Broadcast Masts
Visual Condition Inspections
Stay Wire Inspections
Drone Inspections
Structural Checks
Structural Design Appraisals
LOLER Inspections
Expediting Mast Structures
Non-Destructive Testing
Flare Stacks
Visual Condition Inspections
Flare Tip Inspections
Guy Wire Inspections
Drone Inspections
Structural Checks
Structural Design Appraisals
LOLER Inspections
Expediting Flare Tips
Expediting Flare Systems
Non-Destructive Testing
Transmission Towers
Visual Condition Inspections
Drone Inspections
Structural Checks
Structural Design Appraisals
Expediting Towers
Non-Destructive Testing
Inspection Services, Expediting, and NDT Services:
FlameOut can provide the full range of Structural Inspections to Flare Stack, Mast,
and Tower structures, including Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).
FlameOut’s services are broadly split into the following areas:
i) Visual & Photographic Inspection of Flare Stack, Mast, and Tower structures
ii) Structural Checks on Flare Stack, Mast, and Tower structures including Non-Destructive Testing (Ultrasonic, MPI, Radiological, Electromagnetic, etc.)
iii) Full Structural Design Appraisal of Flare Stack, Mast, and Tower structures to current Design Codes
iv) Visual & Photographic Inspection of Flare Tips (including Thermal Imaging)
Further information regarding the range of Inspection Services that can be provided by FlameOut is available on request.
FlameOut is able to provide the full range of Structural and Condition Inspections in relation to Guy Wires, Guy Fittings, and Winch Wire Ropes. These inspections can range from simple but effective onsite ground level Visual Inspections to Electromagnetic X-raying utilizing specialist equipment capable of also assessing the internal condition of steel wire ropes.
It is important when assessing the structural condition of guy wires and winch ropes to identify both Localized Flaws (LFs) and measure Loss of Metallic Cross-Sectional Area (LMA). LFs are typically caused by external and internal broken wires and corrosion pitting, while LMA is typically caused by external and internal corrosion and wear. Both LFs and LMA will affect the Breaking Load and ongoing serviceable life of a particular guy wire or winch rope, therefore it is extremely important that these flaws are identified early and their effect assessed on the ongoing performance of a guy wire / winch rope. In this way FlameOut’s services enable the Client to take the appropriate action to avoid a partial or total failure from occurring.
FlameOut is able to provide safe and cost effective Visual Inspections utilizing UAVs to allow critical assets to remain online. This tested technology enables visual inspections at height where it may not be economical to use other methods. The risk associated with utilizing climbing personnel to undertake visual inspections at height can be replaced with this technology. Visual inspections can be undertaken in less time whilst structures such as; Flare Stacks, Electricity Pylons, and Broadcast Masts remain operational, thereby removing the significant downtime costs associated with the shutdown of these core assets.
Our UAVs operate at safe frequencies and use spark arrested motors and batteries, a range of cameras are utilized, that include; HD video, high resolution still cameras, and thermal imaging cameras. Images can be streamed in real time back to a base station and saved for review, GPS is also utilized and recorded for precise positioning for repeat inspections. FlameOut provides a “pilot” on each project who has met the required piloting standard, prior to this each inspection starts with a comprehensive hazard identification, risk assessment, and method statement for the proposed inspection, worksite, and flight path.
FlameOut provides fabrication Expediting Services to assist some of the world’s leading Flare System Providers. From expediting a flare system or tip at a fabrication facility, FlameOut is often then engaged by the Flare System Provider to logically go onto supervise the erection of the flare system or flare tip onsite.
Additionally, in support of its expediting services or on a standalone basis FlameOut can provided independent Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services, such as:
i) Ultrasonic Thickness Testing and Ultrasonic Weld Inspection
ii) Dye Penetrant Testing
iii) Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
iv) Radiographic Testing also known as X-Radiography and Gamma Radiography
Further information regarding the range of Expediting Services and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) offered by FlameOut is available on request.
FlameOut can provide the full range of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services both on and offsite, including:
i) Ultrasonic Testing sometimes referred to as Thickness Checking (e.g. on Pressure Vessels)
ii) Liquid Penetrant Testing also known as Dye Penetrant Testing
iii) Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
iv) Radiographic Testing also known as X-Radiography and Gamma Radiography
v) Eddy Current Testing also known as Electromagnetic Examination (ASTM E1571)
when utilized on steel wire ropes
vi) Thermographic and Thermal Imaging Inspections
vii) Bolt Condition and Torque Checking
Further information regarding the range of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services offered by FlameOut is available on request.
FlameOut has provided structural design services to many flare stack structures.
Case Study – U.A.E. Flare Stacks – FlameOut developed the scope of work and established parameters for the design elements necessary to undertake the remedial works to the required standards.
To quantify the adequacy of the existing guy wire systems and to establish design loads for the new anchor foundations, utilising information provided from site and the end Client the flare stack structures were re-assessed through a Structural Design Appraisal.
Having established the design loads, FlameOut then developed temporary and permanent guying system designs that would allow the guy replacement work to proceed whilst allowing completion in the available shutdown period.
FlameOut also provided the design for the temporary and permanent concrete anchor block systems, and provided the necessary construction drawings for the same. All of the above works were designed and completed on site ahead of schedule.
Onsite Visual & Photographic Structural Inspections of overhead line electricity towers can include recording the condition of some or all of the following elements dependent on the Client’s requirements:
- Cross-arm and Body Steelwork
- Anti Climbing Systems
- Fall Arrest SystemsStep Bolts
- Signage & Tower Furniture
- Paint Finish
- Concrete Copings
- Aircraft Warning Lights and Obstruction Balls
Structural Design Appraisals can also be provided by FlameOut and can be used to establish if an existing tower meets current Design Codes (such as; ASCE 7-05 (including earthquake), DIN, BS 8100 and Eurocode 3), or require strengthening. We have also worked with Clients who have their own specific requirements / specification for the design and assessment of their structures.
Contact us today to find out more information…