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FlameOut through established relationships with some of the world’s leading steel wire rope manufacturers is able to supply Steel Wire Ropes at the most competitive prices and to the required certificated quality standards.

Onshore and Offshore applications that FlameOut supply steel wire ropes for include; Flare Stacks, Communication Masts, Bridges, Winches, Cranes, Overhead Travelling Cranes, Deck Cranes, Mooring, Mining and Drilling.

FlameOut can supply “one-off” specifically designed steel wire ropes for any particular application.

FlameOut is able to terminate ropes utilizing a range of suitable methods and end fittings both onsite and offsite.

If required steel wire rope installation, inspection, and maintenance services are also provided by FlameOut.

FlameOut provides its customers with technical consultation, and Cost vs Benefit rope options, in order to select the right steel wire rope for their application.

Contact us today to find out more information…